Stay by Daya and Dani

This is a Donation Download to support and it’s Food for People Program.

Download the Track “Stay” and give what you can to support a great cause. You can also download for free if you so wish..:)

Just go to the website of Daya and Dani, click the Buy Now Button and Name your price.

Stay by Dani and Daya



Stay in your Heart
Just stay,in your light
And I will see you again.

Call out my name
Just call,when life’s Strange
And I´ll be by your side

I know it´s hard and I know it´s rough
I know that things they get so tough
. . .

Enjoy the complete lyrics: just go to the website of Daya and Dani

~ Breeze of Peace ~ poem

~ Breeze of Peace

hot hot day here today
when a breeze arises
it is sooo very welcome
inside the breeze of peace
is also needed
otherwise I suffer in the heat of the drama
my default is to let go
welcome enjoyment
life is breathing me
I can rest
and let it all be
feeling the serenity of Me
It’s all the greatest magic
life alive on planet earth
in awe I rejoice
delight in light
happy hearted
my wise child within knowingly smiles

~ Janice Wilson


The Awakening, by Rumi

This poem touched me very much because of my 13 year old grand child who had the same predicament as the person in this poem, saying:
“When I pray to Him, He does not answer, so He does not exist”.
My answer was that “He is everywhere and also within you”. This was, I felt, because of the non verbal movements involved, a life changing insight for him.

The Awakening, by Rumi

“All night, a man called “Allah”
Until his lips were bleeding.
Then the Devil said, “Hey! Mr Gullible!
How comes you’ve been calling all night
And never once heard Allah say, “Here, I am”?
You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I’ll tell you what. Nothing!”

The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.
Depressed, he threw himself on the ground
And fell into a deep sleep.

In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked,
“Why are you regretting praising Allah?”
The man said, “I called and called
But Allah never replied, “Here I am.”.

Abraham explained, “Allah has said,
“Your calling my name is My reply.
Your longing for Me is My message to you.
All your attempts to reach Me
Are in reality My attempts to reach you.
Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.
In the silence surrounding every call of “Allah”
Waits a thousand replies of “Here I am.”.

~ Rumi

Manifestation of the Self

The Divine Self can manifest because of intense beauty,
The Self also appears at the time of tragedy.
For humans not to keen on beauty
The problem is not ties,
But severing of ties
And redirecting the pulsion of tragedy.

Changing lives in a women’s prison in Argentina

This video tells the moving story of how lives have been changed for the better in a women’s prison in Argentina, thanks to Prem Rawat’s words of peace.

Created by Wendy Lewis.
Music by John Adorney and Eduardo del Signor
Quotes and information from and

~ Wendy Lewis

Always Remembering You ~ Charanand

Always-Faces In India

~ Steve Booth

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Always Remembering You :: Charanand

~ Pasajeroeneltiempo

* Happy Birthday Maharaji 2010 *

Silent Longing

A breathtaking video by Stuart Hoffman

~ Stuart Hoffman

~ Resonate ~ poem

~ Resonate ~

with this breath
with this heart
with this love inside

deeply to feel
the gift of Me
of You resounding

thru out my life and day
discovering moments
of heartfull beauty

thirsty to drink
the water of lovejoy
felt within my being

dripping drop by drop
or gushing like a river
after a downpour

joyous I can feel
to be alive at this time
where we dance together

my beloved One and Me
ultimate grace on my head
felt in my heart

our hearts resonate as one
in a real pure sweetest
true unending love

~ Janice Wilson

Peace Day 2010

* Neverending * music & video

On Smiling

There is a smile that nothing can take away.
This smile comes from such a deep place
of peace and celebration that nothing in this
world can take it away.
That is the smile each one of us can smile.
The peace that resides in this place,
in the heart, is the only peace that will do.

~ Prem Rawat.

Clarity, Wisdom, Love and Light

In your greatest darkness,
You have more light in you
Than you can possibly realize.

When you feel hated,
You have more love in you
Than you can possibly recognize.

When you feel stupid,
You have more wisdom in you
Than you would ever know what to do with.

When you are in doubt,
You have more clarity in you
Than you could ever fathom.

~ Maharaji

Candid Exchange

Dear All,

An enthusiastic group of university students and young professionals
in Bristol, U.K., requested the opportunity to meet with Prem Rawat in
a casual setting to speak candidly with him about his work in the
world. He talks about the reason for the conflicts in the world and
the way to remove them. He also discusses priorities in one’s life.
Even if one does not agree with him, one can learn from the wisdom of
a great Teacher. Many people especially the young, would find this
discussion fascinating. In many of his talks he refers to the Divine as
the force of Truth.

We hope you all enjoy this video. It is about 62 minutes long.

Best regards,
Ranjit & Thilani de Silva

Poem for shooting stars

Bell Of Light
You came to me in a battlefield,
no love, no hate, no bird that sing.
I didn’t know then who you were,
but my heart felt no despair.
Doubts were gone and so was fear,
trees were blown by rockets’ spears,
bullets marked their paths on dirt,
he was gone, and I was spared.

Tell your story quench your thirst,
that message was your request.
Since that day through high and low
have not forgotten head to bow.
Mornings, feeling warm inside,
your face shining nectar, my love.
At your feet I rest my heart
thank you Master,
You Are The Light.

The greatest mystery of life

You are what you are.
I am inside of you,
You are inside of me.
The infinite resides in the finite.
Can there be greater mystery?
For the true devotee it is a reality.
(inspired by Rumi and Prem Rawat)

Who are You and who am I?

A stranger came to my house.
Hello, I said when we first met,
what brings me here? To be your guest?
I have come to quench your thirst,
cause I made you find your quest.
Now, the marriage is for life,
and when I leave you turn to dust.
Then, I knew that He is me
but, my mind would disagree…

~ Living Poem ~

Living Poem

You and I are living inside
the greatest poem of the heart
ever written

Breathing life into us
amazing beauty
can be found and felt

Truest love  cherished
sweetly deep expressions of gratitude
grace and blessings abound

In the summer of our hearts
we can bloom fully , openly
giggling  in joy

Life alive happening
sweet, short , profound , endlessly
our magical time here on earth

Heaven time
drinking within
I am gone , united , One

One with the infinite Me
merged with You
in a poem ‘ breath of life ‘

~ Janice Wilson

~ s w e e t b r e a t h ~

~ Sweet Breath ~

lovely, lovely sweet breath
flowing in and out of me
such kindness, love
you bring me life
so much you are to me
I can barely begin to comprehend
but i can feel grateful for your presence
sweet breath
holy, pure , divine
truly a gift
I love you

~ Janice Wilson

Kabir ~ God is the tree in the forests



God is the tree in the forests that
allows itself to die and will not defend itself in front of those with the ax, not wanting to cause them shame.

And God is the earth that will allow itself to
be deformed by man’s tools, but He cries; yes, God cries,
but only in front of His closest ones.

And a beautiful animal is being beaten to death,
but nothing can make God break His silence
to the masses and say,

“Stop, please stop, why are you doing this to Me?”

How humble is God?

Kabir wept,
when I knew.

~ Kabir

Maharaji just in Italy *

~ Inner Swimming ~ poem

Inner Swimming

just as I like to jump in the lake
cool off , be refreshed
wash away the heat , sweat, dust of my body
so too I love to jump in the inner pool
of practicing Knowledge
wash away , cleanse , clear
my inner self of the debris
of thoughts,  emotions , troubles
problems of daily living
come out shining , sparkling
feeling free , clear,  in love with life
centered in my heart , heaven within
swimming in the joy of life

~ janice wilson

Un rêve de toutes les saisons.

Assis à Sa droite, baigné
d’une musique entraînante et rythmée,
accompagnant un ange,
chantant d’une voix douce et veloutée,
je ne peux résister aux mouvements modulés,
à la vague me transportant de l’intérieur;
je me lève et laisse mon corps aller
au rythme de cette musique envoûtante
qui possède à la fois l’âme et le corps;


Il se lève
et Se met à danser Lui aussi;

nous dansons alors ensemble,
l’un pour l’autre,
une farandole suivant son rythme
dans laquelle la beauté du Seigneur
m’apparaît inégalable et amène mon être
à l’extase divine;
les notes de musique
et les mouvements des danseurs se fondant ensemble
en une Harmonie éternelle, divine;

tout à coup,

Il s’arrête,
sourit, me bénit et se rassoit

alors que la musique continue avec la danse,
en une ronde qui ne semble pas vouloir s’arrêter;

Il sourit,
Se relève et fait quelques pas encore,

ce qui amène mon âme à un point près d’éclater;

Il s’arrête encore,
me bénit et Se retire tout en me bénissant.

La danse continue quelque temps jusqu’à l’arrêt de la musique;
alors, je me rassois, allouvi de Sa Présence
que je voudrais continue, éternelle.

Only Breath ~ Rumi

Only Breath

Only Breath – Lyrics

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim,
not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion or cultural system.

I am not from the East or the West,
not out of the ocean
or up from the ground,
not natural or etheral,
not composed of elements at all.

I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world
or the next,
did not decend from Adam or Eve
or any origin story.

My place is placeless,
a trace of the traceless.

Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved,
have seen the two worlds as one
and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner,
only that breath breathing human being.

from “The Essential Rumi translations”
by Coleman Barks

Lorsque tu entres dans la pièce

Lorsque tu entres dans la pièce,
Tous les poètes
Ressentent un besoin soudain de louanger,
Tous les danseurs veulent bouger,
Les chanteurs peinent à se tenir coi
Pour toutes ces fois
Où follement ils ont choisi le silence

Cette impulsion de s’exprimer,
Cet élan vers la forme,
Est absolument involontaire, viscéral, primal, pur.

Les doigts du poète frétillent,
Le chanteur éclaircit sa voix,
Le danseur bouge dans ses souliers,
Recevant déjà des roses
Du chorégraphe reconnaissant de son cœur.

Poème de Mitch Ditkoff — Blogue « The Heart of the Matter »
Traduction d’Alain Lachance.

Little Drops of Mercy

Beautiful song by Marolyn

Words by Prem Rawat,
Spoken by Marolyn,
Sung by Daya

The lyrics of the song appear below, followed by the 1971 lecture which relates to them.

Little Drops of Mercy

The nature of the sea
is very calm,
very calm,
but when the seashore
comes in front of the sea,
you can see great waves on the seashore.

That ocean is filled
with mercy,
it is completely filled
with mercy,
kindness is there,
and that truth, is always there.

And that ocean
is endless,
This ocean we can see in maps,
but that ocean,
is endless!

When a wave rises and falls
on human beings who are trying to bathe,
mercy comes
over them,
mercy comes,
mercy comes.

Feel a leaf, so smooth,
so soft,
so kind;
smell a rose,
and try to enjoy,
the beauty of the rose.

So many colors,
without a brush,
without a tube,
but beautiful colors,
and changing colors,
this is nature.

in a little seed,
many apples
and a huge tree,
is its nature.

Have you seen
beautiful birds?
How beautiful they look?
Have you seen
that blue sky, blue heaven?
How beautiful it looks?

That is only
little drops of that ocean,
but even then,
it looks so

This ocean’s,
big huge wave will come,
and overturn the ship,
but in that ocean,
if a ship is overturned,
it will make it OK.

How can I imagine
that ocean,
where it is always mercy?
These are the little drops!
Many, many books are not able
to describe that ocean.

And what a man could imagine to be
a fairy tale,
to be
a magical thing,
has been brought to be:
The Natural Thing.

Historical Note on the Lyrics of this Song

Maharaji was thirteen when he spoke these words beside the Pacific Ocean, on August 5, 1971. Read the lecture below.

The nature of sea is very calm. Very calm. But when the seashore comes in front of the sea, the calmness is hidden away back.

And you can see great waves on the seashore. That ocean is filled with mercy. Kindness is there. And truth is always there. It is so calm that when a drop mixes with that… such satisfaction of mind, such peace, you can’t even think of it. So fantastic.

And that ocean is endless. Endless. This ocean we can see in maps, but that ocean is endless. And what is this? When a wave rises and falls on human beings who are trying to bathe, mercy comes over them. Mercy comes. They feel mercy of God, they feel kindness of God.

When a man actually tries to read this nature, he’ll find. The beautiful fruits, beautiful birds, kind green nature, nature, and beautiful sunset, beautiful sunrise and birds chirping, the blue heaven, with calm and quiet nature, and the whole thing, the whole atmosphere, so kind, so nice; nobody can experience that. But when man just tries to enter…

Feel a leaf, so smooth, so soft, so kind. It is nature. Smell a eucalyptus tree. So nice. Smell a rose and try to enjoy the beauty of rose. So nice. These are the little drops of His mercy that He has given to us. The beautiful red apple, filled with sweetness. Flowers filled with scent. So many. Jasmine, rose, and every one having a different, different, different. So many colors. Without a brush, without a tube, but beautiful colors. And changing colors. This is nature.

And in a little seed, many apples and a huge tree. Hidden in a little seed. That is its nature. That is little drops of His mercy. And His little drops of mercy, we can’t even imagine them. How can we imagine that ocean where it is always mercy? But there are the little drops.

When we are eating apple, we feel something very nice. Leave it, O.K. But where there is always mercy, and no end of mercy. And I, what am I? Many big, big saints even, can’t write His glory of that ocean.

This ocean, big huge wave will come and overturn that ship. But in that ocean, if a ship is overturned, it will be made O.K. That is His kindness.

A saint has said that He has done a very wonderful thing in this world. I can’t be judge over it, I’m just writing my idea. That over a little idea, He wrote the whole story, and over the story, He made it true. And what a man could imagine to be a fairy tale, to be a magical thing, He brought it to be the natural thing.

So this is His mercy. Many, many books, big fat books are notable to describe His mercy or that ocean where the soul has to plunge. How can I describe that? Have you seen beautiful birds? How beautiful they look. Have you seen that blue sky, blue heaven? How beautiful it looks. These are only little drops of that ocean.

* Flower of Bliss * poem

*  Flower of Bliss  *

my roots are in the mud of this world
earthly waters, sunny and stormy skies
green of my leaves sustaining me
alive , growing , transforming always
there are seasons to me
sometimes I flower
with the flowers of
bliss , real love and peace
then I feel gifted , blessed , graced to be alive
being breathed amazingly
magically , mysteriously , into life
so much is way bigger than me
humbled I am when I see my size
feeling my mortality, experiencing my immortality
for a short time I flower blissfully

~ Janice Wilson

* Live This Moment *

~ Safe Harbor ~

Poem written by Maharaji many, many years ago

All we have to do
is slow down, and let this meditation take place.
It’s like waves lapping upon the shore
every breath followed by another.
We must be right inside every wave
not back at the last one or pushing the next one,
but gently, slowly, and lovingly, feeling the soft strength
that is life.
When we do this, hour upon hour,
we can come to each other like children.
If we follow the path of the Name,
this love will be there inside constantly
But we must slow down and let the softness move us.
It is through the door of the present moment
that God enters into your life.
And it is through you that he enters into
the life of the world.
Perfect meditation creates love,
Perfect love sanctifies union,
Perfect union is the goal.
Meditation is the only medium through which you can
increase your love. And love will spring forth
will make you one.
And finally, everything will be organized.


Maharaji ~ poem * Awake *

When I am awake I dream of you
When I am dreaming I dream I am awake
When awake I find myself close to you
My heart becomes restless
It wants to feel what you feel
My eyes open for they want to see
What you see
My ears want to hear what you hear
In perfect rhythm
My breath wants to merge with yours
So I awaken to find my reality
Where I feel real
Real close to you
Then my heart delights
I can now witness your glory
For my eyes see what you see
In your tenderness I find your tender love
The flame of desire extinguishes
For now my heart is fulfilled
I am now part of your magic
I know now I am awake
Wide awake, not dreaming
My breath is merged with yours
I need not dream anymore

~ Maharaji

A Feather ~ Maharaji

Maharaji – Geneva Switzerland  7/ 02
” A feather – a design, so simple that it can allow itself to be affected by the wind in such a way that it can defy gravity,
it can fly……….. it’s so light.
My heart is a feather too, a feather and it wants to fly.
And the wind of breath is blowing and it wants to go with it
this is its nature , this is what it wants to do………
to seek the good, to seek the beautiful
to hold on , to every beautiful moment that comes its way.
To acquire, to assimulate , to become one with, the total reality of this existence.
It doesn’t want to negate joy, like the mind does.
The mind can take a trivial problem, and make it outweigh.
It is exactly the opposite………. it triples its gravity for no reason at all. “

~ ~ ~ Breath Surfing ~ ~ ~

~  Breath Surfing  ~

surfers ride waves
some huge immense ones
or long tubular tunnel like

an amazing thrill
that must be
healthy , fit one must be

but I have discovered
even one unfit , old, or otherwise
can ride the wave of breath within

it’s subtle power
coming in , going out
bringing an amazing thing

thing called life
awesome amazing miracle
life alive

to be high on lifebreath
is the ultimate ride
available to all living beings

humans with their conscious ability
to be aware , admire, in love
breath surfing

surely this is the ultimate
pursuit, sport , activity,
state of being , breathing ~

~ Janice Wilson


of wonder

A rhythmic dance
adrift in a sea of stars


Moving & dancing
to the flavour of time

Bejeweled with magic

~ Our Journey ~ poem

The heart of life
is like a blooming flower

it cannot be forced open
but must be entered

naturally , lovingly, consciously
with sincere awareness

needing the sun, waters,
living soil to grow itself

learning what these living ingredients are
becomes our life long journey

destiny and freewill
come in to play

fortunate ones listen
to the hearts calling

mysteries revealed
magic unfolds

grace, blessings touch us
smiling inside our being

our hearts can trust, open
bloom in the presence

of the Beloved
true love is felt

eternal joy arises
reaching within

the heart , soul of life
blissfully exposed

~ Janice Wilson

Heaven Hell and the God ~ Maharaji

Look what people have done to God. And why? Because there are expectation. When they don’t get according to their expectations “There is no God”. What is expectations from God; Two eyes, two ears, white hair, light in the back (only in the back, not in the front), teeth, lips, hands, feet. So then people go “I’m looking for God.” Are you looking for God, or you’re looking for somebody you think should be God? God doesn’t need eyes. What is God going to see with the eyes- who is omniscient and see everything doesn’t need eyes like this in front, coz you can be doing things at the back! This is expectation.

Put aside your expectations. Know how to receive. When you are open, you go inside, you feel. Knowing the coming and going of this breath is the blessing. God is residing inside of you. What is your reason for living? Are you living for fulfilling other people’s expectations? Now, how do you know about God. Its simple, somebody told you! And whoever the first person was, whatever spices he put on in description will stick with you for the rest of your life. How do you know about heaven, and the hell? Have you been there? You can say “I’m sure what I felt now, must be hell” I can understand that, but see somebody told you about hell, and the heaven just stuck with you. Heaven is in you now. This is where God resides (pointing within)! The whole idea is about now. If you don’t know, then you are in ignorance. Nothing is bigger hell than darkness- Ignorance. And nothing is greater joy than that light, that beauty. Receive it.

View the 4 minute video:

spring of joy ~ poem

Spring of Joy

Is in me
honored I am feeling

That there is an endless well
I can dip into
everyday quenching my thirst

Living in the desert of this world
full of mirages, this illusion , maya

But creator put in me
this water , sweet, pure

I can go there within
drinking , quenching my thirsty being

With the blissful water
of life, living Knowledge

Honored I am feeling
Thank you most Beloved one

~ Janice Wilson

Sur le moment présent

On demanda un jour à un homme débordant d’activité
Comment il faisait pour être si recueilli
En dépit de toutes ses occupations.

Il répondit :
« Quand je me lève, je me lève.
Quand je marche, je marche.
Quand je suis assis, je suis assis.
Quand je mange, je mange.
Quand je parle, je parle. »

Les gens l’interrompirent en lui disant:
« Nous faisons de même, mais que fais-tu de plus ? »
« Quand je me lève, je me lève.
Quand je marche, je marche.
Quand je suis assis, je suis assis.
Quand je mange, je mange.
Quand je parle, je parle. »

Les gens lui dirent encore une fois :
« C’est ce que nous faisons aussi. »

« Non » leur répondit-il.

« Quand vous êtes assis, vous vous levez déjà.
Quand vous vous levez, vous courez déjà.
Quand vous courez, vous êtes déjà au but… »

Pensée très populaire sur le net. Auteur anonyme.

A beautiful voice: Wendy Lewis

Traditional Indian bhajan sung by Wendy Lewis in Camden Town, London, at a fundraiser for TPRF

This is a couplet or ‘doha’ from the story of Ramayana by Tulsi Das, sung by Wendy Lewis.


I like sugar and tea,
Specially in good company
Like in Germany.

Even though in Germany,
No one drinks tea
Because, there is no tea in their tea.

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday,
In the country,
The morning is beautiful.
Life being beautiful,
Everywhere, Sunday mornings are beautiful,
All mornings are beautiful,
All days are beautiful.
All days, months and years are beautiful,

But “these spans of time
Really do not exist,
‘Beautiful’ is not in places or time
‘Beautiful’ only exists 
In the here and now, present
In breath, in the eternal present”,

Smitten by this awareness,
Suddenly the consciousness,
Reverts to the breath,
The eternally present Breath.

Sur la Connaissance

Je l’aime, car j’aime apprendre!